During the press conference held within the framework Christian Louboutin Boots the gathering, former Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who later became the secretary general of NATO, was expected to apologize to the Muslim world for "the cartoons about Prophet Mohammad", however, he didn't. Premier Erdogan and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin signed a cooperation protocol on natural gas and petroleum. christian louboutin Pumps NIB Black a letter he sent to Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou, Erdogan said that Turkish-Greek relations, which were being developed based on mutual respect and understanding, would have a positive effect on regional peace and stability. Turkish parliament adopted a motion authorizing the government christian louboutin Pumps NIB Red patent a one-year term to send Turkish naval troops to Gulf of Aden. Turkish troops undertook important duties for the prevention of piracy near Somalia. A Turkish flagged ship named "Horizon-1" was hijacked by pirates near Somalia in July. Developments regarding the Turkish crew on board were on the agenda of the press Christian Louboutin Python Pumps a long time. The ship was released by the pirates and the crew returned to Turkey in October.Turkey's first "High Speed Train" started operating on Ankara-Eskisehir route. The opening ceremony of the service was held with the participation of Premier Erdogan.
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