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With a heavy reliance on hydropower, it is also vulnerable to fluctuations in rainfall Christian Louboutin Boots a risk exemplified by a prolonged drought in 2009, which led to severe electricity shortages. As well as building a more diverse and reliable power generation system, Kenya is also determined to become a world leader in sustainable power generation. Sam Mwale, Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki's principal administrative secretary, Christian Louboutin Jolie Noeud Dorcet D Orsays Black: "We have decided to add 2,000 MW of power, of which 70% will be green energy. We want to choose a different path."The new generation capacity will include geothermal, solar and windpower plants. Gateway to the East While the electricity generation expansion will be capitalizing Christian Louboutin Jolie Noeud Dorcet shoes White Kenya's geological advantages, much of its other infrastructure spending is focused on taking advantage of the country's geography. "Kenya's unique strengths include its location on the central-eastern coast of Africa, which offers access from the Indian Ocean to the entire hinterland of east Christian Louboutin Jolie Noeud Dorcet shoes White central Africa," says Kibati. With plans to expand the country's existing port in Mombasa, to build a new port that will handle die latest super postPanamex container ships, and to build road and rail corridors to link the ports with the rest of Africa, Kenya is setting its sights firmly on becoming the primary gateway for trade between East Africa and Asia.

Par mjlovesmj le lundi 13 décembre 2010


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